Pensofal International Spa

Founded in 1986, Pensofal® is a leading Italian company in the production of non-stick aluminum cookware, with a consolidated presence in the international markets of over 60 countries. What distinguishes Pensofal products, making them the emblem of Made in Italy excellence, is the meticulous attention to every detail: quality, innovation, practicality and elegance are just some of the ingredients of the Pensofal recipe, able to make your experience unique. in the kitchen. Whether you are a professional chef or a passionate gourmet, Pensofal products will give you one more reason every day to be happy to have chosen them. When tradition meets innovation Cooking is tradition: Whether you faithfully follow grandma's recipes or express your creativity by making changes and always looking for new flavor combinations, there is still a strong component of tradition in all the dishes we prepare. Pensofal also has a long and consolidated tradition behind it in the production of quality tools, thanks to a very personal product know-how developed over the years thanks to continuous investments in terms of research, equipment, patents and brands. Just as our most creative chefs like to constantly revolutionize the rules of flavors in search of the perfect match, in the same way we at Pensofal never tire of looking to the future and we continue to field the most advanced technologies every day to always push ourselves further and improve even those products that we already considered perfect. Thanks to this philosophy, over the years Pensofal has never stopped revolutionizing the market with its continuous inventions and special patents, such as: Pastasì®, Vapsì ®, the double bottom system forged in stainless steel suitable for induction and the innovative PFOA- free non-stick coatings reinforced with natural minerals with real diamond powder.